Theater Stuff... (6/11/06)
Well, Here is the latest on the progress of my theater room...
I did raise the rear seats up by way of 6" decking, but I have not covered it as yet.
But it did not stop me from starting to have guests over!
The first ever "movie night" we had was a "sing along with the Sound of Music night".
That was awesome. Everybody has seen the Sound of Music right? Well, you might as well have a few drinks and belt out a chorus of "Climb Every Mountain" and "Do, a Dear".
I do have "Oklahoma!" and "West Side Story"... I think I'll be doing this again!
I made some accessory additions as well...
First, in one panel, a pic of "Breakfast at Tiffany's" including a shot of her wearing those gloves, so we found a pair of old womens gloves and pinned them up too...

Next, in another panel, a picture of "Rocky" complete with boxing gloves...

Next, I have a collection of stuff on my equipment cabinet...
Yes, the Rocky figure and the Robot both work!

Here's another shot... Yo Adrian!

Cool huh? Theres a button in the ring you push and he says various phrases and some dialog. Also, on occasion "Eye of the Tiger" will start to play. Through all of this, his head moves and his mouth opens and closes, his fists move and punch...
Anyway, I was at the local antique store recently, here are a few more finds...
Here's a cool Minolta 8mm film camera... Very nice shape!

Here's few books I picked up... Very cool!
The first is a picture book of the original movie "The Blob" with Steven McQueen, his name before shortening it to just Steve in credits.
The book includes stills from the movie.

How about a book about Hollywood Kids...

Here's a couple of updated pics...

These guys think it's right on!

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