It's a small world afterall... Back from DisneyWorld
Well, I'm back from DisneyWorld. I should say my family and I are back from a week long vacation to DisneyWorld. And by family I mean, Lori and I and our three kids, Mom-In-Law, Sis-In-Law and her husband Doug. And like the aptly named TV show... 8 WAS enough!
The week in Orlando was good, but not without it's share of ups and downs...
Here's the short list of topics:
1. My first plane ride.
2. Mom injures her foot on the first full day there.
3. Mom's power scooter dies at Epcot.
4. American Airlines truly suck.
5. Richard Petty Experience.
6. I don't ride rides...
7. Bus rides.
8. Hydraulic lifts on said buses.
Not to worry, the list could be a listing of chapters, but I'll try and be brief on all topics.
1. My first plane ride, or, why I'm not keen to flying
I'm 45 years old, I've never been on a plane ever... laugh if you will, go ahead mock me.
but I truly am uncomfortable with the whole idea. I've gone this long without doing it, I don't
see why I need to start now. Just because Florida is a long way from Omaha... Shouldn't it be "it's not the destination, it's the journey"?. I was more than willing to start out early on my bike and meet the family in Orlando... but no, I had to go on the plane.
Ok, first flight ever... a guy about 8 rows ahead of me passes out and the pilot has to kick it to get to Dallas to the paramedics... the dude is ok... I'm thinking "is this how its going to be?".
Anyways, no puking by me. I'll fly again, but I'm not thrilled about it.
The vacation includes four flights and three different aircraft.
Omaha to Dallas = S80
Dallas to Orlando = 757
Orlando to Chicago = S80
Chicago to Omaha = EMB (American Eagle)
This last one, the Eagle I sat in the very last row next to the window...
From my seat out of the window...

Looking forward...

2. Sprained or broken?
Mom-In-Law gets a power scooter to ride for the week. On the first full day there she manages to hurt herself by hanging her foot off the edge of the platform and catching it on a post while cutting the corner to sharp. This has the effect of bending it back and doing some damage. To her credit, no complaints the balance of the week! Even when asked to stand for pics or walk some short distances. What a trooper!
But, the bet was either broken or sprained... Doug took her to the ER on our return to Omaha...
Yep broke... she gets an additional week off from work and a snazzy boot to wear...
3. Good exercise... Or... How I pushed that damn power scooter across Epcot
The scooter had to be plugged in every night to recharge of course. When I set up the charger I plugged it in to the nearest outlet to where the only parking spot in the room was. This was a GFCI outlet in the bathroom. I had noticed that the scooter wasn't recharging fully. But payed it no mind... it should be good for the day at Epcot.
Halfway through Epcot it died... we left it at a station and rented a regular push wheelchair. and we went about our day at Epcot. Now, somehow I would have to figure out how I was going to get that damn thing across the park to the bus station and leave the Epcot chair at the park.
Being that I don't ride on rides, I sent the kids back to a ride they wanted to do again, and the rest shopped or had a snack while I hoofed it back across the park, picked up a dead scooter, put in neutral, and proceeded to make my way back to the front entrance. Good thing I'm in shape!
I got a lot of strange looks on my way through the crowd... of course, one old dude had to ask... "easier if you ride it..." you suppose? I wonder how easy would it be to cram this up your ass?
All's well that ends well. I got it back to the bus stop, and once back at the hotel pushed it to the room where I plugged it in to a different outlet. Yes friends, the charger it seems was tripping the GFCI outlet and would stop charging in the middle of the night.
4. Hotel O'Hare
It's time to go home. We are waiting for our flight from Orlando to O'Hare in Chicago to board. Seems the inbound plane from O'Hare is late. I'm sitting right next to the boarding station as I overhear the AA people calling O'Hare to complain that their plane had to wait an hour for de-icing because of a shift change and general lack of motivation. We are scheduled to land in O'Hare at 8:11pm to meet a connecting flight to Omaha at 8:15... Looks like we are going to miss it! But, not to worry AA says, the connecting flight is an American Eagle plane with only 12 passengers booked and 11 of those are on this flight, they will wait!...
The pilot books it to Chicago, we get there at 8:20pm...
AA sent our connecting flight on at 8:15.
So much for waiting for us to get there. Now as soon as we are off the plane AA tells us that they'd be happy to book us a room at the Hilton (8 people in on room), problem? oh yes!
They will call and book the room, we have to pay for it!
Hey thanks! Their excuse? "Act of God"
God de-ices planes now. You learn something new everyday.
Well, lets see:
a) spend $2400 at the hilton
b) stay at the terminal
"B" it is...
Next flight out is at 8:40am, that's 12hrs in the nastiest, most unorganized airport I've ever been in.
5. Left turn only...
I know I've mentioned that I don't ride rides. I'm a very bad date to take to the amusement park. So, Disneyworld is a perfect vacation spot for me. Since I wasn't planning on any rides, I thought there might be be 3 things that I wanted to do while there.
a) Renting a bike and riding around Florida
b) Go swimming all day at a waterpark
c) Take a fast lap at the Richard Petty Experience
No time for "A"
No time for "B"
So, "C" it is...
Although short lived and pricey, it was fun to go around the track at 140-145mph. If your a Neckcar fan, you should do it. It gives you the sense of what those guys go through.
I got me a hat and a cool plaque with my official pic on it. Neat!
Here's your hero:

6. I don't ride rides...
Ok, I 've covered this... I did do a tram car at Epcot (safe), the rapids ride at Animal Kingdom (wet & safe), and the fast lap thing. Does flying in a plane count?
7. The wheels on the bus go round and round...
I knew Disney would have some buses, but cheese and rice, I'd venture to guess they had a bigger fleet than the city of Omaha. Shuttles to every park... nice! I stayed on the Disney property, no need for any rental cars. Nice!
8. Can I get a lift?
I don't think of all the bus rides we took, not one had a working wheelchair lift. Every ride we took we had to "work around" to get the chair on and my Mom-In-Law (remember the broken foot?). The lift would not lift all the way, wouldn't fully extend, leaking fluids, etc...
Plus most were crowded, lot's of standing while moving. Does that count as a park ride?
It seemed out of 6 days at Disney, at least one days worth of time was spent riding shuttles.
All in all, I'd have to say it was a fun time. Even for a non rider like me. I probably won't get back there until it's time to take Grandkids though.
Interesting thought I had there too...
You know how you feel about pennies? You know, what are they really good for? Their not really necessary, and you seem to collect more than you can ever use realistically.
When your down there at Disney, you'll feel the same way about $1 bills...
And finally...
Don't have a group pic with me but here ya go...
Lori and your hero

My kids and Tigger at dinner...

LOL!! Sounds like YOU had a wonderful time!! :)
Glad you're back in one piece!
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