A Simple Man's Blog

Look, I'm a simple guy. I don't ask for much from this world. But frankly, some things I see, read or hear these days just don't make sense and only serve to make our lives more complicated and difficult. This leads to stress in my life, something I don't need more of. So, this is an outlet. Put simply, a way for me to vent or just log my thoughts, projects and adventures. Simple...

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Ride Report 1/7/06

Lots of folks busy today, but Bob and I were able to get out for a
"around the block" run...

Started out high 40's

Todays route:

Hwy 50S to Hwy 31
West on 31 down by the river...

Past Schramm Park; North then thru Gretna to "Q" St.
Turned west on West Q Rd. to West Center, where we spied these guys...

Bob and I parted at 156th St. I south, he north...
The temps seemed to get a bit better as the time went by.

It was good to get out again; twice in January already...
We saw quite a few bikes out today.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Miles O'Brien...

Hey Miles... STFU

I just about fell off of my treadmill this morning when Mr. O'Brien was interviewing the wife and mother of the lone survivor Randy McCloy. Basically, he asked them if they thought since their son/husband was the youngest member of the group, did the older miners share their air with him to keep him going.

Are you really telling us about an awful story or are you adding to it to make it bigger than it already is? As far as I can tell, there is yet to be any information on what exactly happened down there. Two investigations (at least) on in process and we should wait to hear what they can show or tell us. To allude to anything like sharing air to save the younger guy without any basis is absurd. If you are at a loss for more pointed or poignant questions to ask your interviewees, I'm sure there are interns there that can write some for you.

Note to CNN... more Soledad, less Miles please.

One more thing, wear your glasses. Nobody cares that you need them. Whipping them off your face as the camera comes back to you is ridiculous.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Ride Report - 1/1/06

Took a little ride around yesterday. I didn't even pay attention to how many miles I rode. I just know it was a very nice 2 hour ride.

Cool? yes it was!

But the benefit from getting out far outweigh some chilly fingers.
Didn't stop to take any pics this trip.

I-680 North/East to Hwy 75 North
North on 75 through Nashville and Ft. Calhoun to Blair
West on Hwy 30 then South on Hwy 31 back home

Not a long trip like I said, but I got out anyway...
A short ride is still better than no ride at all!

I didn't get too cold, the temps were in the 40's, but some heated gloves would have extended the ride time for sure.

My Bikes... Update 4/28/2006

Thought I'd throw in some pics of the bikes...

2002 Yamaha Roadstar...


Alas... the Roadie has been sold.
Melvin, you got yourself one hell of a bike! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did...

2003 Kawasaki ZZR1200...

Though I love them both equally, the Roadstar is for sale. I'm using the funds to purchase the A/V equipment for the theater project.

To feel better about it, the audio equipment will be Yamaha.